The best way to install TimeLoop is using the App Store app on your Apple Watch. Press the digital crown to bring up the app picker. Navigate to the App Store app and open it. Use the search feature to find TimeLoop and then tap purchase.
Some users have found that the watch app is not installed after purchasing it on the iPhone. Instead, try searching for TimeLoop (one word) on the App Store app on your watch. It might ask you to pay again, don't worry you won't be charged twice. You should however get a notification immediately after saying you've already purchased this app. If you're still having issues then email me at and i'll get it sorted.
TimeLoop has two main recording modes: Tap and Count In. Use the record mode button in the lower left corner to change between these modes. The icon represents the mode you are in. The pointing fingure stands for Tap to Record mode and '123' stands for count in.
This is the first recording mode you'll see when the app loads. Simply tap the center of the display to start recording and tap it again to stop. The length of the loop is determined by the time passed between your two taps. This mode is particually good for vocal improvisation and beat boxing. If you require your hands to be free to play your instrument then see the Count In mode below.
In count in mode, a metronome with a pre roll of 2 bars is played before the loop starts recording. This gives you time to preapre to record and also keep your hands free for playing your instrument. To turn on Count In mode tap the circular button in the lower left corner. Tap the center of the view to start the count in. Once the specified number of bars has recorded the loop will automatically start playing.
For a better audio experience you can connect your bluetooth headphones or audio device to TimeLoop. This will make it easier to hear your loop recordings. Headphones will also prevent feedback when overdubbing allowing you to add layers and texture to your loops. Simply connect your bluetooth device in your watch settings and TimeLoop will send the audio to them. After connecting your device or headphones make sure you head over Calibrate in the TimeLoop settings and follow the instructions. This will measure the latency of your device and automatically correct playback for perfectly syncronised loop recordings. When TimeLoop is connected to your bluetooth device only its output is routed, recordings are still made from the microphone on your watch. This means you can achieve good seperation on bluetooth speakers as well as headphones. This is because the watch is usually closer to your instrument than the speakers are.
Some users have found that the watch app is not installed after purchasing it on the iPhone. Instead, try searching for TimeLoop (one word) on the App Store app on your watch. It might ask you to pay again, don't worry you won't be charged twice. You should however get a notification immediately after saying you've already purchased this app. If you're still having issues then email me at and i'll get it sorted.